5S is workplace management where the work area and workplace are organized and ritualized to minimize the loss of time and the use of movement; its principles for eliminating wasted time and unnecessary motion are universally applicable to everyone and every business.
This 5S learning session is massively effective in teaching 5S because Trainees learn what 5S is really about. 5S has only a little to do with creating a clean and tidy work area where everything is neat, near-by, and easy and fast to get to. That is indeed what you see when you go to a great 5S work managed operation, but that is not what 5S is for.
So we do not teach learning session attendees that 5S is only about workplace management and cleanliness; rather we teach them that through their personal workplace practices they set themselves up to do great work. They will help build a world-class operation whose products or service will attract new customers. If they use 5S well they will be creating work security for themselves and building a safer, happier work environment where people make a top-quality product every time. 5S is not about being clean, tidy and neat; it is about doing excellent quality work all the time.
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